Upcoming Events

Sunday Services
First Sunday Of The Month: All Age Service
Our first service of the month is an all age service, with everyone staying in the service. This service has a mixed style and may include all age activities to join in at the front of church or an activity station at the back of church. As per our regular services they will include a time of prayer & worship and a sermon. This service starts at our usual start time of 10:30 am
Services On The Second, Third & Fourth Sundays: Regular Services
These services start at 10:30 and include a time of prayer & worship followed by a sermon. Kids work is on each of these weeks, creche is provided for the second and third Sundays of the month. Youth is on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
Fifth Sundays: Breakfast Service
In months when we have a 5th Sunday we hold a breakfast service that week. Starting at 10 am, half an hour earlier than our regular services. We share breakfast together as a church family, taking communion and joining in fellowship with one another. We also have a small talk in our rear hall that you can join in with if you wish.

Children & Youth Work
Creche: 0-5 years
Our youngest children meet in the back room, where they have a range of activities, with crafts and talks linked to the main sermon.

Kids Work: 5-11 years
Our primary aged children meet in either the back room with the creche or upstairs, this depends on numbers. Our primary aged children get a chance to play, sing, learn and discuss, with talks linked to the main sermon.

HFC Youth: 11 +
Our secondary aged children meet in their new dedicated youth room twice a month, where they enjoy working through bible studies together- normally with some tea and toast!

Other Events
Little Stars Toddler Group
Little Stars meets every Monday morning during term times (excluding bank holidays). They meet from 9:45- 11:15.
It costs just £1 per family and everyone with preschool aged children are welcome.

Life Groups
As a church we share in our faith walk together throughout the week, including meeting in homes for our small life groups. This is a chance to prayer together, study the bible and live life together.
If you are interested in joining a life group please speak to Helen Charters.

Ladies Social Group
Our ladies group meets monthly for fellowship, sharing meals, learning new crafts and other activities.
Our next ladies social is TBC.
For more information please speak to Helen Charters or email the office.

Men's Social Group
Our men's group meets monthly for fellowship, board game evenings, walks and sometimes watching sporting events.
Our next men's social is TBC.
For more information please see John Braithwaite or email the office.

Arts & Crafts Club
Enjoy all things arts & crafts, why not join us at our monthly group, where we explore and share creativity. The group runs on the second Monday of the month, with the next session running on the 14th October- will this month's craft start to look a little bit like Christmas? Come along and find out.